When choosing your bridal bouquet there is a lot more options than you think. There is a wide variety of florals, colors, and styles when it comes to your bouquet. Blushington chose a few of their favorites to show off the different techniques to create this beautiful piece on your wedding day!
The organic garden style bouquets above are designed in a round form, but loose and unstructured to give it movement for a fine-art aesthetic.
These arrangements are a more rounded shape with a few accents of greenery and large focal point specialty flowers.
Both of these of arrangements are only made up of two different flower types, the one on the left is sweet pea and tweedia. The one on the right is roses and ranunculus. Some brides choose to do this design usually when they want to focus on one of their favorite flowers! It is also a beautiful technique of having a grouping of the same variety to make the arrangement look very lush!
A cascading bouquet gives the piece a more dramatic appearance.
A slightly oblong bouquet for a timeless and romantic look.
The creativity of your bouquet is never ending, which makes it so special when it comes to choosing the right one for you! Hopefully this guides you in a way to expand your horizons!